
Café Society #1

In June 2020, I watched the revival of Café Society for the first time at Marunouchi Piccadilly, a theater in Tokyo. The romantic comedy drama movie was released in 2016. The lead is Jesse Eisenberg. 
The story was set in the United States in the 1930s and describe the romance of a man named Bobby. He was born and raised in New York and moves to Los Angeles counting on his uncle who has become a big shot in Hollywood. Then he falls in love with a woman but after a while he has his heart broken by her, so he returns to New York so as to restart his life. 
The theme is unforgettable love. The movie was good for a romance. 
I used to get attached easily, so I really liked a lot of women. However, most of the women are just history now, though I clearly remember several women of them. Watching the lovesick Bobby, I was remembering the several women and a character in the movie Serendipity in which the main character, Jonathan, played by John Cusack, cannot forget about a woman who he met some years before, so he starts to look for her fanatically one day before his wedding. The character that I remembered is a best friend of Jonathan's and he joins the search for her in which he is so impressed with his buddy's passion that he decides to start over again with his ex-long-term girlfriend. Watching the movie, I remembered how he decides to and I thought that I must clearly express my feelings with passion to a woman who I really like so she at least can know my feelings. A man is most happy if he dates and marries a woman who he deeply loves. 
Woody Allen wrote and directed the 2016 movie. I first watched his film at a theater, moreover, I watched one of his films for the first time since 2012. I had not watched his works which I had loved for many years because they reminded me of my painful memories in which I had my heart broken by a woman who I had often chatted with about the legendary film director until she turned me down. In fact, I had completely forgotten about chatting with her over Allen before I watched the movie, and then I remembered it when I saw the opening particular to his films. I did not feel painful at all at that time, which meant that my heartbreak completely went away. Time had cured me. 
After watching it, I came to want to watch La La Land and my favorite Allen's movies again.

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