
Fast X

Fast X

An action movie. 141 minutes. Released in 2023. Directed by Louis Leterrier. Starring Vin Diesel. Michelle Rodriguez and Charlize Theron acted.

Although the previous film entertained me when I saw it at a theater, yet it was boring when I did it on the television set, so I thought that I would stop to watch the Fast series. However, I was dying to see it when I knew that the new flick was released and I went to a theater. It was fun after all. The movies are what I must watch at a theater. Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and the villain Jason Momoa were wonderful. Moreover, Charlize Theron's action was brilliant.

The characters who seemed to die reappears in the series, so I suspect that the mother of Dominic's son would return with The Rock in the next one. The series like a festival. 

ワイルド・スピード 第10作








A drama film. 158 minutes. Released in 2022. Directed and written by Todd field. Starring Cate Blanchett.

It follows Lydia Tár, the first female chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic and a composer.

I do not know much about classical music, so I could not understand some of the lines, however, I watched it twice at a theater because it is really entertaining. Cate Blanchett had a lot of mature female charm and appeared from the beginning to the end. The flick has many of the quiet scenes, however, I was fascinated by not only her but also the overall good atmosphere.

A conductor of an orchestra needs to be kind of arrogant. A female one struggling in a man's world does to be more. Lydia's arrogance seems to be proper but causes a tragedy. That makes a media circus and makes people bash her on the Internet. Lydia becomes isolated and loses herself. Her sociability is not perfect, so she might have responsibility. All the same, I was drawn by her humanity and thought that the society and people who must support her was disgraceful because they overreacted the remarks on the Net. Furthermore, I felt that her friends' jealousy and betrayal were unsightly. Then I was encouraged by how she continues to live with music after that.

Cate Blanchett sincerely gave a wonderful performance as Lydia Tár as if she was possessed. She seemed to perfectly devote herself to the role, so I understand that she implied her retirement after the filming feeling that she thought that she cannot play better than that.

The wonderful flick was filled with her attraction as not only an actor but also a woman.










Moonage Daydream

Moonage Daydream

A documentary film. Released in 2022. 140 minutes. Directed by Brett Morgen. I saw it twice in the Imax theater of Toho Cinemas Nagareyama Ootakanomori and at Kinema Junpo Theater.

It depicts the life of the rock musician David Bowie mainly using his own music and words.

Bowie wearing an exotic and fashionable costume in the seventies had looked strange to me, for I had thought that girlish boys had mental disease when I was little. However, the documentary told me the fact that he actually had come out as bisexual and been struggling with social prejudice in those days. I got impressed that he was not only just a rock star but also a person of character. Honestly, I had been not interested in David Bowie until several years ago because I love rock bands like The Rolling Stones, Sex Pistols and Oasis better than solo artists. All the same, I had had his albums Let's Dance and Tonight. The duet "Tonight" with Tina Turner, who passed away last month, was my most favorite among the two albums. I had also thought that "Blue Jean" with a good beat was a signature piece for him for a long time. Although I did not listen to Let's Dance so many times because I did not like the singles "Let's Dance" and "Tonight" cut from the album, yet I regretted that I underestimated the album because though it was rather late, I realized the first song "Modern Love" was really awesome when I listened to it in the film Frances Ha which I watched several years ago. Then I was moved by the wonderful song "'Heroes'" at the end of the movie Jojo Rabbit that I saw at a theater. Afterward, I knew that the song was playing a part in the collapse of the Berlin Wall. I have listened to his other songs since then. His impression has increasingly changed in recent years, so the documentary was perfectly suitable for me.

Tears dropped from my eyes hearing the introduction of "'Heroes'" during watching it. His fans were mostly fashionable and cool. They looked like Bowie's alter ego. How they adored him told me how great Bowie was to them, so I felt ashamed that I could not realize how brilliant he was for a long time.

Moreover, I was pleased as a Japanese when I knew that as well as John Lennon and Freddie Mercury, he liked Japan.

It is a masterpiece of the documentary genre and filled with the cham of David Bowie as not only a performer like a singer and actor but also a human.


デヴィッド・ボウイ ムーンエイジ・デイドリーム

 『デヴィッド・ボウイ ムーンエイジ・デイドリーム』

ドキュメンタリー映画。2022年公開。140分。ブレット・モーゲン監督作。TOHOシネマズ 流山おおたかの森のIMAXで初観覧。キネマ旬報シアターにて再観覧。









A thriller film. Released in 2020 via streaming. Directed by Aneesh Chaganty. Starring Sarah Paulson and Kiera Allen.

It follows Chloe who is the only child of a single mother named Diane, naturally physically disable, aiming to enter a college. Chloe struggles to get away from Diane after she have recognized the secrets which her mother had concealed.

Diane is giving off a threatening aura from the beginning. Her languishing and severe face reminded me of my mother who was way overprotected of me. I began to get irritated watching her, so I could instantly identify with Chloe who gradually begins to distrust Diane. Then I remembered when I despaired recognizing that the person whom I had thought of as the most reliable in the world was anything but that as I watched Chloe starting to be beset with doubts and fears, looking into various things behind Diane and recognizing the terrible facts. I felt deep pity, sincerely sympathized with her and mentally cheered her all my might. It was anyone else's business. However, I conversely cooled down a little, for I remembered that it is a fiction when the truth in her childhood becomes clear and it was far sadder than my trivial emotional damage in the past which is generally not unique.

The movie is continuously thrilling from the early stage to the final stage, full of a tense atmosphere to the end and good as a thriller one. The two leads always gave a wonderful performance. Moreover, it has become an unforgettable film because the story overlapped with a memory in my childhood.










A drama movie. Released in 2022. Directed by Damien Chazelle. Starring Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie. 

It depicts people who engaged in the film industry's transition from silent films to talking pictures.

I saw it for the first time at Movix Kameari in February 2023. Silent ones are so old that they look like actuality ones. I saw some Charlie Chaplin silent films. I did not like them. I am also not curious at unknown episodes and inside stories about filming that much, so I did not get interested in the film. All the same, Margot Robbie's close-up on the screen was overwhelmingly gorgeous. Moreover, I was impressed with the scene where the musical movie Singin' in the Rain was being played in a theater toward the end. When I saw the musical one The Wonderful Wizard of OZ released in 1939 some years ago, I just felt that it was good for an old flick, so I had lost my interest in the old one Singin' in the Rain. However, I came to desire to see the 1952 movie and first did it with the DVD disc because the song with the same title kept on ringing in my head for a while after I watched the Chazelle film. It was fun. It depicts the joys and sorrows of actors when the transition from silent ones to talkies, so it was also intriguing. Then I came to want to see the 2022 movie again and saw it at Toho Cinemas Nagareyama Ootakanomori in the next month.

The main characters, Jack and Nellie, were big stars in silent ones but they could not speak and act well in talkies. Although they were no longer popular, yet they continued to proudly live as movie stars. Their ways of life were not favorable, though they looked cooler than a man who begged for his life wetting his pants and survived. Brad Pitt gave a good performance as Jack who falls with his sadness from the lavish position of a dignified star. Margot Robbie passionately acted as Nellie who is excellent at playing emotionally because of her bad upbringing, bad at behaving elegantly so that she cannot get a good role in a talking film, and keeps on choosing to not have ordinary happiness but live as a star. Her ambitiousness and playfulness were mysterious and pretty in the orgiastic party before her debut. How she let her anger out looked highly delightful in the party that is filled with wealthy people.

I do not think that it is a masterpiece but I do that it is a good one which is full of love for movies.





2023年2月にMovix亀有にて初観賞。古すぎるので無声映画は記録映画に思えてしまう。チャップリンさんのサイレント映画を何作か観た際にはあまり好きにはなれなかった。その上、映画の撮影秘話や裏話にもあまり興味が無かったので、本作の初観賞時はあまり興味が湧かなかった。だが、スクリーンに映し出されたアップのマーゴット・ロビーの美しさには圧倒された。そして、本作終盤の映画館内の場面で上映されていたミュージカル映画『雨に唄えば』が印象に残った。数年前に1939年公開作のミュージカル映画『オズの魔法使い』を観た時は、古い映画の割には面白い、と感じただけだったので、同じく古いそのミュージカル作品への興味も薄れていたのだが、本作観賞後、その挿入歌「雨に唄えば」が頭から離れず、数日後、どうしても観たくなったのでDVDにて『雨に唄えば』を初観賞。面白かった。そして、映画がトーキーへ変遷する際の俳優たちの悲喜こもごもも描かれていてとても興味深かったため、本作をまた観たくなり、TOHOシネマズ 流山おおたかの森にて再観賞。

