


A drama movie. Released in 2022. Directed by Damien Chazelle. Starring Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie. 

It depicts people who engaged in the film industry's transition from silent films to talking pictures.

I saw it for the first time at Movix Kameari in February 2023. Silent ones are so old that they look like actuality ones. I saw some Charlie Chaplin silent films. I did not like them. I am also not curious at unknown episodes and inside stories about filming that much, so I did not get interested in the film. All the same, Margot Robbie's close-up on the screen was overwhelmingly gorgeous. Moreover, I was impressed with the scene where the musical movie Singin' in the Rain was being played in a theater toward the end. When I saw the musical one The Wonderful Wizard of OZ released in 1939 some years ago, I just felt that it was good for an old flick, so I had lost my interest in the old one Singin' in the Rain. However, I came to desire to see the 1952 movie and first did it with the DVD disc because the song with the same title kept on ringing in my head for a while after I watched the Chazelle film. It was fun. It depicts the joys and sorrows of actors when the transition from silent ones to talkies, so it was also intriguing. Then I came to want to see the 2022 movie again and saw it at Toho Cinemas Nagareyama Ootakanomori in the next month.

The main characters, Jack and Nellie, were big stars in silent ones but they could not speak and act well in talkies. Although they were no longer popular, yet they continued to proudly live as movie stars. Their ways of life were not favorable, though they looked cooler than a man who begged for his life wetting his pants and survived. Brad Pitt gave a good performance as Jack who falls with his sadness from the lavish position of a dignified star. Margot Robbie passionately acted as Nellie who is excellent at playing emotionally because of her bad upbringing, bad at behaving elegantly so that she cannot get a good role in a talking film, and keeps on choosing to not have ordinary happiness but live as a star. Her ambitiousness and playfulness were mysterious and pretty in the orgiastic party before her debut. How she let her anger out looked highly delightful in the party that is filled with wealthy people.

I do not think that it is a masterpiece but I do that it is a good one which is full of love for movies.





2023年2月にMovix亀有にて初観賞。古すぎるので無声映画は記録映画に思えてしまう。チャップリンさんのサイレント映画を何作か観た際にはあまり好きにはなれなかった。その上、映画の撮影秘話や裏話にもあまり興味が無かったので、本作の初観賞時はあまり興味が湧かなかった。だが、スクリーンに映し出されたアップのマーゴット・ロビーの美しさには圧倒された。そして、本作終盤の映画館内の場面で上映されていたミュージカル映画『雨に唄えば』が印象に残った。数年前に1939年公開作のミュージカル映画『オズの魔法使い』を観た時は、古い映画の割には面白い、と感じただけだったので、同じく古いそのミュージカル作品への興味も薄れていたのだが、本作観賞後、その挿入歌「雨に唄えば」が頭から離れず、数日後、どうしても観たくなったのでDVDにて『雨に唄えば』を初観賞。面白かった。そして、映画がトーキーへ変遷する際の俳優たちの悲喜こもごもも描かれていてとても興味深かったため、本作をまた観たくなり、TOHOシネマズ 流山おおたかの森にて再観賞。






A documentary. Released in 2021. Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore. I saw it at Cine Switch Ginza for the first time in March 2023.

It depicts the life of a film score master, Ennio Morricone, making interviews with famous persons who knew Morricone.

I struggled against sleepiness in the first half, for it portrays the Italian musician's background and the old movies whose music he composed, though I was interested in Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen, who was really impressed by the music of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, and the fact that the film director, Stanley Kubrick, had desired to work with him in A Clockwork Orange. My tears started to well up in the scene about Once Upon a Time in America. The scores are more fantastic than the acting of remarkable actors Robert De Niro and James Woods. Although the running time is about four hours, yet it will never bore me because of his music. The Mission was so serious that I had had not wanted to see it again. Now that I knew that Morrcone made the music, I like to do it again. I also want to see my favorite movie The Untouchables deliberately listening to the background music which he composed. As for Cinema Paradiso, unlike the people who praise it, I think that the character Alfredo is kind of egoistic. All the same, I love it because the melody is overwhelmingly beautiful throughout and makes my thoughts trivial. In the episode of U Turn, Oliver Stone relates with a laugh that the manager offended Morrcone when he asked the composer to watch and refer the animation movie Tom and Jerry. Anecdotes about unique persons are amusing.

The Italian had won five Academy nominations but not an Oscar before he received the Academy Honorary Award in 2006. He finally obtained an Oscar in The Hateful Eight directed by Quentin Tarantino and released in 2015. It took a long time considering his lengthy trance record. The ceremony was really touching. I cried at the glory moment when he won the award after he had kept on overcoming the wall of prejudice and envy. The great master's way of life with fortitude is extremely wonderful.

John Williams is also a giant of film music and one of the people who were interviewed about Morrcone. I was surprised that he was not only alive and but also never feeble, for he was still very famous when I was a child. He was 90 years old at the release. Morrcone passed away in 2020 at the age of 91 but he looks healthy in the motion picture. The secret of being healthy at any age must be to be active even if you get old.


『モリコーネ 映画が恋した音楽家』







The Banshees of Inisherin

The Banshees of Inisherin

A tragicomedy film. Released in 2022. Directed by Martin McDonagh. Starring Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson. Kerry Condon also acted in it. I saw it at Toho Cinemas Yachiyo Midorigaoka in February 2023.

It depicts a strange friendship between a boring man and a male violinist in an isolated island of Ireland.

One day, suddenly, Pádraic's best friend, Colm, says that he will end a friendship with Pádraic. Watching Pádraic who wants to know the reason and persistently asks him about it, I got irritated because I remembered some men, who kept on talking to me even if I apparently ignored them. Then I wanted to tell Pádraic that there is no use talking to the person if a person gets beyond the limit of their patience and do him not to talk to Colm anymore. Colm ends a friendship with Pádraic because Pádraic is silly and boring. That is reasonable. Nevertheless, Pádraic keeps on talking to him. I finally wanted to say that that was enough. Then, Surprisingly, Colm makes an outrageous act. I could not understand and accept it. It was like an act in a horror movie. Although many film fans say that the flick itself is a metaphor, yet I will never like to think like that. I also will never be satisfied with the fact that it received a Best Picture Oscar nomination. I believe that She Said is far better than it, however, that did not receive the nomination. I would surely have started to doubt the reliability of the Academy Award if it had gotten the Oscar. Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson gave wonderful performances as Pádraic and Colm respectively. What I did not like is the story. The other characters like a mean police officer, a vulgar priest and an eerie old lady increasingly made me hate the movie. The sole saving grace was the existence of Pádraic's beautiful sister and a reader, Siobhán. Her decency stood out in the island where much absurd things occurs. Honestly, I also thought of the actor, Kerry Condon, as Rebecca Ferguson during watching it. She was really pretty.

It might be good considering the popularity, all the same, it is not my favorite.








She Said

She Said

A drama film. Released in 2022. 135 minutes. Directed by Maria Schrader. Starring Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan. Based on the nonfiction book She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement published in 2019 and written by Jodi Kanor and Megan Twohey. I saw it in January and February 2023 at Movix Kameari.

It depicts two journalists at New York Times who struggled to accuse a film producer named Harvey Weinstein who had had a huge influence in the industry and had covered up many of his sexual crimes.

Before watching it, although Mulligan could have given a good performance as a young woman who retaliates against a rapist and his male and female followers in Promising Young Woman, yet I had doubted that the baby-faced Mulligan could really act the role of the journalist who confronts the great evil, however, it was just needless worries. She superbly expressed her graceful strength and boldness, not to mention her cuteness. She charmed me especially when the journalist played by her shouted the f-word several times to a guy who persistently tried to pick up the woman in a bar.

It depicts not a simple conflict between men and women but a struggle between the despicable man continuously defended by his male and female hangars-on using law and The New York Times which rises up against them in order to avenge the humiliation of the female victims including superstars like Ashley Judd and Gwyneth Paltrow who were sexually abused by the nasty guy. Supported by their husbands and bosses, Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor patiently continued to interview the victims and cover his crimes with fortitude. Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan gave dignified and fascinating performances as the two journalists. Then I felt catharsis when the "publish" button was finally clicked right after they and their bosses checked the article to accuse him on the computer display several times.

Samantha Morton also acted a furious woman who is friends with one of the victims. She gave an impressive performance as if she had a personal rancor against Weinstein or someone.

As for the 2019 flick Bombshell, it got nominated for three Academy Awards, nevertheless, the 2022 one received no Oscar nominations. I suspect that many of the Academy Award members still feel an obligation for Weinstein and think deep down that sexual harassment is okay to some extent. Top Gun: Maverick and Elvis, which I watched at theaters, have gotten nominated for the 2023 Academy Award for Best Picture, which has made me feel delightful. Other Oscar-nominated films must be more wonderful than She Said.


SHE SAID/シー・セッド その名を暴け』






2019年作の『スキャンダル』はアカデミー賞の3部門にノミネートされたが、映画人の多くがまだワインスタインに恩義を感じているのか、多少のセクハラ行為は是だとまだ内心思っているのか、本作は全部門でノミネートすらされていない。観覧した『トップガン マーヴェリック』や『エルヴィス』のノミネートは嬉しかったが、ほかのオスカー候補の作品もまた『シー・セッド』より素晴らしいのだろう。


Double Jeopardy

Double Jeopardy

A suspense movie. Released in 1999. 105 minutes. Bruce Beresford directed it. Starring Ashley Judd. Tommy Lee Jones also appears in it. I have watched it several times only on television screens.

It follows a woman who is falsely accused, imprisoned and paroled to a house under the supervision of her parole officer. After that she struggles to take her child back.

Ashley Judd had starred in Kiss the Girls released in 1997 playing a woman with an anxious face well. Then, two years later, she gave a wonderful performance as a strong mother named Libby who makes up her mind to fight alone for her son. The beautiful performer looked dignified and played stunts. The flick was filled with her charm.

Although Judd looked pretty with a good performance and favorably compared with Charlize Theron, Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez, yet she did not become a super star, unlike them. I had thought that it was because she was just unlucky, however, I knew one of the reasons when I watched She Said, in which she made a cameo, last and this month at a theater. The reason upset me. She lost her opportunities to appear in films because she offended Harvey Weinstein, a film producer with a huge influence in the industry, who abused female actors desiring to get an acting job and his female subordinates repeatedly and sexually and he hushed up all of his crimes for a long time. I am completely disgusted with the sex maniac who prevented her from getting a good role because she did not accept his lust. The sexual criminal destroyed the lives of Judd and many women. The nasty guy's defenders including some women are also shameless and fool.

Tommy Lee Jones also gave a good and mature performance as the parole officer, Travis. He was 53 years old when it was released. Although he looked relatively older than Tom Cruise when he starred at the age of 53 in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, yet it was because Cruise looked too young for his age. Jones vigorously made a dead run and swam. He looked far more powerful and awesome than most of the men in the same generation as him.

The chemistry is great between Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones. The movie is good and worth watching with thrilling stunts.






ジャッドは、シャーリーズ・セロンやキャメロン・ディアス、アンジェリーナ・ジョリー、そして、ジェニファー・ロペスにも引けを取らない演技力と美貌の持ち主にもかかわらず、彼女たちレベルの大スターにはなっていない。それは単純に運が無かっただけと思っていたが、先月と今月観覧した、ジャッドが本人役でカメオ出演している『SHE SAID/シー・セッド その名を暴け』でその理由の一つを知って腹が立った。部下の女性たちや仕事が欲しい女性の俳優に対して、長年に渡って性暴力を繰り返してきて、その犯罪をもみ消し続けてきた、超大物映画プロデューサーのハーヴェイ・ワインスタインの機嫌を損ねたジャッドは、映画の出演機会を失っていたらしい。そんな卑劣漢の性欲なんかの為に彼女の仕事が減ってしまっていた、だなんて本当に許せない。彼女以外にも、人生を無茶苦茶にされた犠牲者の方々も大勢いらっしゃるようだ。その下衆野郎を守ってきた女性も含めた彼の取り巻きたちは恥知らずで愚かだ。

