
A Perfect Murder

In May 2020, I watched A Perfect Murder on TV for the first time. The leads are Michael Douglas and Gwyneth Paltrow. Viggo Mortensen costars with them. The movie is a remake of the 1954 movie Dial M for Murder directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
It tells a story about a husband who plans to murder his beautiful wife. The wife has had an affair with a man and she is wealthy. The husband has had a tremendous debt and just wants her fortune not being jealous so much.
The quality of the suspense movie is not even average, though I want to watch the old Hitchcock's one because it has high public approval ratings.
In the movie I was fascinated only by Gwyneth Paltrow as the beautiful wife. She played well and was really pretty. I basically like plump ladies, so I had not been supposed to like her. I, however, was really attracted by the slender lady.
The actress reminds me a girl who was a big fan of Paltrow and used to work with me a long time ago. The colleague was very difficult but she liked movies, so we could chat only about our favorite ones and actors. One day, I saw the tall girl arguing with her boyfriend in a supermarket in the neighborhood. She then was speaking roughly and she looked like Julia Roberts playing a strong-minded and emotional woman, so a few days later, I teased her about it at work. It was fun. She loved the two famous actress who had not interested me at all but became my favorite ones thanks to her. I usually am not ready to see emerging actors, so I really appreciate someone like her giving me an opportunity to pay attention to them. Then her beloved movie, Pretty Woman, had never concerned me until she recommended it. I did not like romances but I watched it anyway. Now, I have been glad to watch it because the romance has been a good stimulus when I meet a woman who has watched it. Besides, the good movie has been popular among women. Sadly, it has recently not been popular among younger generation, though. I will value a meeting someone like the coworker. 
Michael Douglas and Viggo Mortensen who acted the adulterer are known as skillful actors but in the movie both of them were just supporting ones highlighting the stunner, Gwyneth Paltrow, from my point of view.




Borg McEnroe #1

In September 2018, I watched Borg McEnroe at Toho Cinemas Nagareyama Ootakanomori for the first time, which was because I got interested in the movie after I knew that Naomi Osaka won the 2018 U.S. Open tennis tournament. 
In May 2020, I watched it again on DVD.
The film focuses on the final of the Wimbledon tournament in 1980 between Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe. Then it elaborately describes what each player was like.
I like this story about Steffi Graf. A guy shouted out from the stand to Graf playing against Kimiko Date, "Steffi, will you marry me?" and then the German player shouted back, "How much money do you have?" in the semifinal of the 1996 Wimbledon tournament. I also was happy to watch the live footage where the 17-year-old Maria Sharaova was smiling and trying to call someone using her cellphone on the tennis court in front of the audience after she beat Serena Williams and won the 2004 Wimbledon tournament. Although I am not a big fan of tennis, yet I like such stories, so the movie was enjoyable and entertained me a lot. Tennis fans must have gotten absorbed in it.
I had known that McEnroe had rivaled Borg. I also had done that the American player was hot-tempered and had sometimes shouted abusive language against the umpires during matches. I, however, had not known that the Swedish player used to spit out curses playing tennis when he was young. It surprised me a little because I had thought of Borg as a goody-goody. Then, before first watching it, I expected that the movie focused on the rivalry between them, but it spotlighted Borg far more than McEnroe. I was kind of disappointed by that because I had been more interested in and wanted to watch the naughty McEnroe than Borg looking just handsome. It could not be helped because it is a Swedish film. The anguish of the good-looking man impressed me that much, though. I hope that Americans will produce a movie about John McEnroe someday.

ボルグ/マッケンロー #1

2018年9月、『ボルグ/マッケンロー 氷の男と炎の男』をTOHOシネマズ 流山おおたかの森にて初観賞。当時全米オープンで大坂なおみ選手が優勝して話題になっていたので、観る気になった。


The Greatest Showman #2

In May 2020, I watched The Greatest Showman on DVD. The movie is my most favorite musical ever. It was released in 2017. I had already watched it four times at theaters but I felt happy to do it even on a TV screen. Then I was moved to tears as well as at the theaters, though I hope that I will watch it at theaters next time.
The story describes half the life of P. T. Barnum, an American showman, who was active in the nineteenth century. Hugh Jackman acted the showman.
The songs were especially wonderful. "A Million Dreams" is full of dreams and hopes. Some people tends to deny someone's dream. Every time I see them, I feel like telling them to let the person alone and shut up. I also want to tell them that we do not want to become like them. When "Come Alive" was played, I naturally smiled at the tall Hugh Jackman who was lightly dancing on the stage of the theater. He was at age 49 in 2017. What an energetic middle-aged man! Then Barnum's two daughters were adorably dancing on the auditorium to the song. "Never Enough" was fantastic. The bewitching Rebecca Ferguson was singing it with deep emotion. The song was dubbed, but all the same I was really moved. The next song, "This Is Me," made me cry again. That was fifth times. My most favorite song ever. "We are warriors! This is me!" After that, good songs were continuously played until the end. The musical has no crappy songs, which is amazing.  
I watched Zac Efron for the first time in the movie. Although he had been regarded as handsome, yet I did not think of him that way. It might be because I did not know how cool and popular he had been when he was younger.
The subtitles "The noblest art is that of making others happy" at the end always made me feel that it matters only whether the movie is intriguing and exciting. I will stop finding fault unless I cannot possibly overlook the fault. 

グレイテスト・ショーマン #2



Bohemian Rhapsody #2

In May 2020, I watched Bohemian Rhapsody on DVD and cried. I have watched it at theaters five times and I was moved to tears every time I did it. I hope that I will do it on a big screen next time. It is the most touching movie that I have ever watched.
The movie tells the story about Freddie Mercury, the lead vocalist of the legendary rock band Queen, and his fellows.    
Rami Malek wore artificial tooth to act Freddie Mercury who had bucktooth, however, the real Mercury in the old images was less bucktoothed than Malek in the film. Although Mark Hamill had a hard time erasing the image of Luke Skywalker, yet Malek would not because his impression changes when he does not wear the artificial tooth. He won the Oscar for Best Actor in 2019. I preferred Viggo Mortensen who starred in Green Book but I think that the Egyptian American actor played well. The normal Malek looks like Masataka Kubota a little.
Freddie Mercury was arrogant, like some geniuses, but he easily felt lonesome, though he was Just tormented by the feeling of loneliness particular t a genius and a gay.
The other band members were all unique. Ben Hardy as Roger Taylor, the drummer of Queen, seemed to embody the phrase "a boy will be a boy." I like him. Gwilym Lee as Brian Taylor, the guitarist of Queen, was gentle, generous and reliable. He seemed to expostulate even when he got angry. He was mature. Joseph Mazzello as John Deacon, the bassist of Queen, looked foolish and innocent, which sometimes amused me.
As for Paul, one the band's managers, he was a dirty coward every time I saw him, though I did not know how true his stories were. Anyway, he was such a frienemy. I recently have realized that a guy is it around me. I have to be careful and keep my guard up not to become like Freddie. 
Speaking of the manager, Jim "Miami" Beach said in a meeting when he was still a lawyer for Queen that fortune favors the bold. I love the phrase.

ボヘミアン・ラプソディ #2




In May 2020, I watched the movie Seven on DVD. The classic thriller film was released in 1995. The director is David Fincher. 
I have not watched it at theaters but I have done it on TV screens several times. I remembered the ending but I was very entertained again. 
The story follows a pair of young and retiring detectives who tracks down a serial psychotic killer. 
The relationship among the characters is similar to the one in The Silence of the Lambs. Brad Pitt as Mills and Morgan Freeman as Somerset remind me Jodie Foster as Clarice and Scott Gen as Clarice's boss, respectively. Then I associate Kevin Spacey as the serial killer John Doe with Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Lecter. 
Gwyneth Paltrow, acting Mills' wife, was pretty and beautiful. I adore voluptuous women like Jennifer Lopez and Chloe Grace Moretz but I was fascinated by Gwyneth despite her very slender figure. I liked to watch her expressions especially when she wore an anxious look. 
The two main characters gave contrasting performances, which impressed me. Morgan Freeman quietly acted. Brad Pitt casually did. Their combination looked wonderful. 
I was most impressed with Kevin Spacey as the psychotic killer. I felt him intelligent like I did Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Lecter. John Doe repeatedly murdered bearing in mind the seven deadly sins. He was crazy. Simultaneously, I was afraid of myself because I could understand his feelings considering what the victims had done. Then I remembered that I gloated over how Arthur changed to Joker in the movie Joker.

