


A drama film. 126 minutes. Released in 2023. Directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda. Written by Yuji Sakamoto. Sakura Ando, Eita Nagayama and Soya Kurokawa mainly performed. The winner of screenplay prize at Cannes Film Festival.

It depicted the unusual life of an elementary school from the point of view of the mother of a student, a teacher and two students respectively.

I was kind of stunned and felt that Cannes liked it when the two boys show their true intentions in the last half after I enjoyed watching how the story goes thinking that it was natural that each person has its own point of view and doing why people, who used to be children, forget children's hearts. I was also disappointed because it depended differently from my expectations. Although the script wonderfully told me the case and let me think anew that I would stop prejudicing other persons in the latter half of it, yet the story did not impress me so much.

I have seen eight Kore-eda films. Still Walking and Our Little Sisters intrigued me, however, Nobody Knows, the winner of Best Actor Award at Canne Film Festival, and Shoplifters, the winner of Golden Palm at Canne, did not touch me so much, though their ideas were brilliant. The film Monster, the winner of Best Screenplay, was the same. Perhaps I do not like his ambitious films so much.

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