
I Feel Pretty

In December 2018, I watched I Feel Pretty for the first time at Movix Kameari. The comedy movie was released in 2018.

The story describes the striving of a woman named Renee who has a complex about her appearance.

The movie touched me at that time, then it interested me in movies starring women and it became the trigger to watch Eighth Grade, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Frozen II, Greta, Teen Spirit, Hustlers, Bombshell, Judy, Birds of Prey and Little Women.

In August 2020, I watched the 2018 movie again for the first time in 21 months, however, unlike the first time, I was not moved so much. Maybe it was because I had watched several more attractive heroines anew and I compared Renee with them.

Moreover, I did not feel that Renee was very fat. Rather, the feminine and plump appearance of her seemed adorable to me. The movie put skinny ladies around the heroin on purpose so as to create the impression that she was fleshy, yet, all the same, many of the viewers would regard the plump Renee with a beautiful face as a pretty woman. Thus, it is not so realistic that she has a complex about her looks. I am not in a position to say anything about this, but if the filmmakers had planned to make a drama movie and cast an actress really having a complex and being good at acting as Renee, the movie could have more effectively sent the message that your frame of mind makes a huge difference.

The theme is good, so I am sorry that the movie excessively focuses on the charm of the comedian Amy Schumer.

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